KomashkaJ's Hidden Objects Game!
This is KomashkaJ’s Hidden Objects Game! A hidden object game designed for Gen Alpha kids that’ll be challenging. All the illustrations, copywrite, and design was made by yours truly.
Concepting, Sketches, & Process
The game idea came from my younger sister. She’s incredibly smart & loves video games. I wanted to make something just for her, a game she could play on her iPad while I’m away from home.
I named it Komashka J because “Komashka” is Ukrainian for bug, a term of endearment we call her, & “J” is a nod to her actual name. I took inspiration from the game Hidden Folks. Highly recommend that game!
Figuring out a functional game in Adobe XD was a challenge. I landed on a one-object-at-a-time search mechanic, which worked great! Some transitions & copy could be tweaked, but I learned a ton & built something I’m really proud of.
Prove of Consept & Fly Throughs
KomashkaJ’s Fly Through Pt1: Intro Level & Level 1
KomashkaJ’s Fly Through Pt2: Level 2